Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Easter

Such a different feeling this year to most Easters.  I hope everyone gets the message to Stay@Home this year - even though there are lots of things we would prefer to be doing - it's hard.

Generally at this time of the day as I write this I would be getting everything ready for our big family Easter celebrations.  We always do this on Good Friday because generally nothing is open (but hey that's just life now) no one can really go anywhere - again because nothing is open so it is a good time for us to all get together as a family and still give everyone else time to do other things over the nice long 4 day break.

This year however I was able to spend some time getting things to deliver to all my beautiful family who I am missing so much so they can Stay@Home and stay safe.  It was a challenge but over 3-4 weeks every time I went shopping I just popped some extra things into my shopping bag - what I can put in my own shopping bag doesn't get purchased. I don't want to use trolleys even though I see them being cleaned I prefer to take my own big bag and one other and use the self check out to reduce the strain on the girls at the check out and reduce spreading anything, this also generally means that I can just do a pay wave because it is under the $100 limit again reducing the need to touch things.  I also found it stopped me from just going ooooh that might come in handy - being limited to only those things that fit in my bag made me understand exactly what I was looking for.

So for as long as I can remember we have celebrated Easter on Good Friday - I would buy so many Easter Eggs and Easter goodies and food so that we could have a lovely day all together eating, playing games.  I would now generally be getting Julies Yummy Corner ready but not this year.

This week I went to my useful box where I store all my various holiday and special occasions decorations - got out my Easter stuff (all Corona virus free) and packed up everyone what we called Julies Easter Essentials pack so everyone could have the joy of food, essential products that are often hard to find and Stay@Home.

I think everyone enjoyed their delivery and enjoyed all the bits and pieces in it - things we take for granted most of the time but today are just hard to get.

I hope it is a Good Friday and everyone Stays At Home and our numbers reduce so that we can get out again soon.


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