Monday, April 6, 2020

A Letter to Greta


RE: Be careful what you wish for

It has occurred to me in the last few weeks, that I have not seen your somewhat miserable face telling the world what we all need to do  and realized there is a new kid in town – one who seems to be getting all the attention and to some extent is fulfilling your wishes within weeks.

While everyone understood your desire for a cleaner world, (we all wish that) it was not understanding what would actually make that happen practically, the new kid does!  A cleaner world was only ever going to happen by:

  • Reducing population – the new kid has that one under control.
  • Reducing consumption – of things and food – again the new kid seems to have managed to keep our consumption of everything reduced, everyone will be eating less, buying less.
  • Reducing travel – planes, trains and automobiles (you know plus ships etc) are big polluters – it is now just about non-existent – yes still occurring but reduced significantly and reducing the carbon emissions with it.  The new kid did that!
  • Acting and staying local – unfortunately you cannot make a cleaner world while everyone wants something that is imported from overseas – things get to you from the big polluters.  Staying local and buying local will reduce transportation needs and make the world a cleaner place.  That new kid knows how to keep everyone at home.
  • Reducing manufacturing – without consumption there is no need to mass produce – now we are only producing necessary items – thus reducing emissions and making the world a cleaner place.  Less greed, less entitlement – less emissions.  The new kid understands that.
Reducing farting cows is not the issue today is it?  Petrochemicals are the cheapest they have been in a decade, however there is no need for them given we are not going anywhere.  Reduced emissions thanks to Stay@Home and isolation.  It is a new world for the time being and no doubt cleaner, but was this what you were really wanting?  

Fighting climate change and COVID 19 on both fronts probably isn’t necessary except to keep you in the media as the new kid is getting the lime light.

There are more but while you want to promote a cleaner world for the future – maybe you are getting a small picture into what that practically means.  It’s not pretty and it’s not nice.  Your parents allowed you to be entitled by providing an environment for you – I understand that, but all your cohorts are on a band wagon and from what I see do not really practice what they preach in the main it’s about notoriety, and making a living out of being seen, but none of us is being seen anymore because the new kid has changed that.  Influencers are not required anymore it was always a hyped up look at me unsustainable reality – it is now about substance and getting back to basics.

So be careful what you wish for - you may get it just not in the package you thought it would come in.

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