How many smiles: 3 so far
Whynot my normal 5 smiles? Well like most things that involve international travel its tiring, but generally its been great so far. So a quick update on our adventures so far, given internet is a bit like gold when your on a boat so dont have much time but will do a full update on our return.
Sunday: Brisbane to Bangkok
Pretty good flight overall flying Thai - only 8 hours so not too long, and I actually thought the food was the best I have ever had on any flight so good work Thai, but the rest of the service was just a bit ho hum.
Arrived in Bangkok at 8.30 Bangkok time (so 11.30 for us) and after being up at 4am it was seeming like a long day - got to the Pathawana Princess around 11.30 Bangkok timeand of course when you are only staying overnight dead tired they upgrade you a beautiful suite, but hey I will take it.
Breaky was great and before you knew it we were being picked up for our 3 hour car ride to the port (yes 3 hours), grrrrrr - must say didnt really like Bangkok all that much in the light of day and a few hours having a stroll around - so not ont he return list.
Monday: Boarding the Diamond Princess
WOW what do I say about this boat - so much bigger on anything we have ever been on and opulance plus - very nice - but it was all pretty much chaos at the port but once on all good and of course a surge of excitment was there as we spent the first few hours before sailing exploring the ship.
Met our table buddies for the cruise and it looks like it was a match made in heaven, all are just like us - ie: happy to have a great time a dinner and not needing to be in each others pockets.
Tuesday: At Sea
Nice to sleep in, and have a bit of rest today - spent the day around the pool, doing a bit of baking (sun baking that is), eating, getting ready for the first Formal night (getting hair done, getting Tux ordered etc) it was a bit too early for me but hey - its done and over
Wednesday: Vietnam
Big day but had lots of fun on the Meekong Delta Cruise excursion - the drive though was 3 hours there and 3 hours back, but generally saw a great amount of the country side, the boat ride up the Meekong in the Sampans was great, we visited a small village and had a some lovely food samples - then on another little boat ride but this one wasnt quite as comfortable.
Thursday: At Sea
Wasnt feeling great today, I guess we had had a big week and after a few hours sunbaking, we actually had a 4 hour Nanna Nap and woke up had a light dinner and sat by the pool on the special blankies and watch Movies under the stars.
Friday: Singapore
Wow loved Singapore - started out with a Breaky at the Zoo, and had a few great hours there with the animilas then got back, jumped in a cab and went to Raffles to go and suck down a Singapore Sling ($65 for 2 drinks but you know it was really worth it). Great day
Sum Up: great week all in all - more on our return
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