Easter - been and gone, it didn't go any slower but it was just more lonely. We had been at home not going any where for 8 days so it was a bit of a treat to go shopping on Wednesday. Another quick in and out - no hanging around, but still good to get out.
We did also go to Volunteer Marine Rescue where surprise surprise every man and his dog was out boating and of course they where all breaking down and needing assistance - so much for social distancing.
With D1 getting married in just over 2 weeks and everything now being cancelled we did have to go out yesterday - some shops at the local home base where open and one that sells artificial flowers, so we did get a bouquet and some flower pots for decorating. Its funny as soon as I go out like that I always come home feeling sick - psychosomatic I suppose or hope anyway.
That is the silly thing about weddings and D1 was quite upset yesterday because here she is only allowed to get married in front of 2 people (excluding the celebrant and themselves) and yet 20 people are allowed to aimlessly wander around The Outlet Shop most not really buying anything and if they did it just seemed so superficial - it upset her a lot as they have been working at home now for 4 weeks and really have gone nowhere, they didn't even know that petrol was so cheap as they haven't needed any for so long.
It looks like it is going to be a progressive wedding (where there's a will there's a way) - no doubt something they will talk about for the rest of their lives getting married in a pandemic. I am proud they still want to get married regardless that's the important bit. Get married in front of Derek and I, then we clear out, and its done again for his parents to be apart of . They go to the photographers house for pics, then drive by to say hi to Granny. I hope it's a nice day for it they deserve it. Their sisters miss out , but hopefully soon we can all be together to celebrate.
How proud are you of our Prime Minister - ScoMo is doing such a great job - how much has changed for him in the the last few months, there he was being ridiculed about not being here for the bush fires and then not reacting fast enough etc - so he obviously learnt a very valuable lesson - get everyone working together not apart, and that has given us all so much more confidence in the health of our country. I hope that arse hole who would not shake his hand is rethinking how lucky he is we have a strong and stable Government and Leader.
On the other hand I have to say while I had thought that Trump was doing a good job in the US generally - yes different to other Leaders, definitely not regal, he did seem to have the economy in better shape - but the last couple of weeks OMG he really just looks and sounds like a fool.