Six months ago we were full of excitement as we drove out of our house camper trailer in tow excited with the thought of travelling around Australia with no particular place to go, and being in the grey nomad mindset.
I chose not to blog throughout the trip, primarily because we often didn't have internet, and it was easier to share our experiences via Facebook as and when they were happening, which was easier, but for those who don't have Facebook I will no doubt one day get around to blogging about the trip in more detail once we have settled into our new home. Needless to say though we had a fantastic time, our country is magnificent and travelling in winter was great especially in the Northern Territory and Western Australia area.
We did however have to come back in order to buy our furniture and get it ordered so that it would be ready for the move in so we have been kept busy as we scoured every store to get the best value we can get. We sold the camper trailer, and have been marking time for the last few weeks waiting, waiting, waiting.
I started my blog this year saying it was a year of change for us, and there is no doubt it certainly was, buying a new home off the plan, selling our home, moving and then travelling around in a camper trailer for 16 weeks (something we have never done before), but I hope 2015 is the year of being settled, we are both looking forward to having our own home once again. Travelling is fantastic, we had such a great time, but as the saying goes, "there's no place like home" and as we near the end of our adventure we cannot agree more right now.
We met a lot of people in our travels who constantly travel in their vans, but we have been there and done that now and would say I would find it hard to do it all the time and we took the trip as a holiday where many who do this sort of thing all the time, seem to drive, setup, sit until it's time to move on again.
The last 6 months have certainly been exciting, challenging, eye opening and gave us a fantastic trip to remember, one I believe all Australians should do at least once, but it isn't a cheap trip especially if you do want to see, do and be part of the area you are in , but I am glad we did decide to take the trip and go way out of our comfort zone and try something different.