So you may well have noticed we have been absent from posting blogs and the you may ask why?
With the house on the market its been difficult to do to much, we are sort of home bound - not a situation we love to be in, you can't plan anything, you can't go anywhere for extended times. So life has changed for us a bit lately.
With this situation in mind, and we are lucky we are always being offered jobs (some part time and others full time), we did some weeks ago decide to take up some of these fantastic offers.
So yes we are working but there is even more. So we are no longer NINKERS we are sort of SINKERS (Some Income No Kids Early Retiree) now.
I am now working 2 1/2 days a week which is nice and it's nice to have some money coming into the bank account and not just leaving it. When I got offered this job I said to Derek - you had better go and find yourself a job - and he did just that as a gardener for 10 hours a week. So we are now both back in the world of working even if just a little. But wait ...... there is still more
It's such a funny thing that once you change your LinkedIn account and say you have a job, just how many new offers come in - some good, some not quite so, but it is an interesting fact.
So now I am working 2 jobs part-time and that is nice and Derek has his nice gardener job, complete with HighVis gear and he is loving that. But wait ........ there is still more
For those of you who know us personally you know D2 is a hairdresser and has been doing this since she was 13 and to be honest she has worked hard, she has given it her all and a few weeks ago, the salon she was work for just closed it doors - grrrr again and again she was owed back pay.
She walks in not knowing what to do but not keen to go on welfare so said I am just going to do this as a mobile hairdresser, after all she has been doing mobile stuff for some time to top up her next to less than average wage, as do so many.
Us being Us went hang on lets do this properly and started on the setup of a true business model so we are pleased to announce Hair2You. We looked and while a million people do mobile hairdressing we found no one was properly franchising this as a model so we have gone - lets do it. Yes so now 3 jobs are now being worked.
We launched the Hair2You facebook site last week (so please like it folks no matter where you are and share and get your friends to like) Hair2You Facebook and we are now in full swing of how do we franchise this model.
Life has been busy, working working and working and yes we are spending a little money but that is now being financed from our part-time jobs so no net loss which is important to us.
Tomorrow though we go back into retirement mode if only for 2 days and off we go, we are back on the road for 2 whole days, which now seems bliss to us after 5 weeks of being stuck at home, working and designing a business.
Don't get me wrong, we are loving being involved but lets face facts, we have had 18 months of doing nothing but enjoy life and here we are back working - all for a good cause but working nonetheless.
So hang in there Blogging has become something I do now only if and when I might have some NINKER time left in me - today is the day.